Sailing Through Midlife: an Overview

Available as a Weekend Seminar (can be repeated regularly) Weekend Meeting (local, or other locations) Includes a Four hour Meeting of the group on Saturday; with additional Individual sessions each
1-1/2 hours scheduled for Friday Night and Sunday.

We will look at the areas in your life that are creating stress for you-identify physical, mental and emotional discomforts- and help you develop a toolbox of different ways for dealing with these stresses including:

1. Therapeutic bodywork sessions

Bodywork sessions include Jin Shin Do, Cranial Sacral Work, and Energy Work (somewhat similar to Reiki) looks at the interconnection between physical symptoms and their emotional counterparts in the body. My bodywork sessions have been effective in treating emotional and hormonal issues including hot flashes, PMS, sleep disruptions, mood swings, low energy, and anxiety as well as headaches, sinus congestion, allergies and asthma, and neck, back and shoulder pain.
Sessions are done in warm clothing on my massage table well as headaches, sinus congestion, allergies and asthma, and neck, back and shoulder pain. Clients usually feel both relaxed and energized afterwards.

2. Simple nutritional guidelines

...particularly for certain ongoing health problems

3. Chi maintaining exercises

... that will help maintain your bodywork sessions (including Chi Gung, Tai Chi, ball exercises.

4. stress analysis of daily routines in your life

... to help you be more comfortable in your own life and body.